ABL - Logo



Albert-Büttner-Straße 11
D-91207 Lauf / Pegnitz

Phone: +49 (0)9123 188-0
Fax: +49 (0)9123 188-188 /-189 /-180

Email: info (at) abl [punkt] de

Offenbach Court of Registration HRB 55773

VAT No.: DE363814395
GLN 40 6866 300000 9

Managing Directors: Ferdinand Schlutius, Jaime Ferré Ripoll, Enric Asunción Escorsa

Website concept and design

rose pistola GmbH
Concept and design bureau


Heidi Pflieger
Internet applications & website development

© Copyright 2023

All text, photographs, diagrams etc. used on this website are subject to copyright. The use of any part of this website requires the express permission of ABL GmbH or the respective copyright holder.

The contents of this website have been diligently prepared and checked. However, no guarantee can be provided as to the currency, correctness or completeness of the information provided therein. As a service provider according to § 7 (1) DDG (Digital Services Act), ABL GmBH is responsible for "own content" provided for use on this website subject to general legal provisions. For "external content" according to §§ 8 and 9 of the DDG, ABL GmbH is, as a service provider, only responsible from the time it becomes aware of a concrete breach of the law.

The links provided on this website are to be distinguished from ABL GmbH's own content. These links are external content. At the time of including a link, such external content was checked for potential liability arising from it in civil or criminal law. However, the possibility that such content may have been changed later by the provider concerned cannot be excluded. ABL GmbH is not obliged to constantly check such content for changes that may result in a new liability. ABL GmbH is therefore, in principle, not responsible for the content of such linked websites. The respective providers alone are responsible for the content of linked websites. Should ABL GmbH become aware or be made aware by third parties that a link included by ABL results in any civil or criminal liability, the link will be removed insofar as this is technically and reasonably possible.